Taking care of yourself while taking care of little ones
Taking care of little ones can be a joyful yet exhausting experience. The…
How is boxing good for Parkinson’s patients?
Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological condition that afflicts an…
What is Sarcopenia and why should you be thinking about it impacting your health right now?
Sarcopenia is defined as age-related frailty. Associated signs and symptoms of…
Balancing Act: How to Keep Balance Skills Sharp?
When you think about “balance,” what’s the first thing you think of? It starts…
Sciatica Pain Relief
With a lifetime incidence between 10-40%, you have probably encountered sciatic…
Expansion – Breath, Movement, Mindset
By Kathryn Sparks Carpenter Let’s stop what we’re doing right now and bring our…
Have You Heard of Muscle Confusion?
Have you heard the term “muscle confusion” that’s been an exercise buzzword…